Family Timor-Alor-Pantar

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Coded values

Family classification according to Glottolog

alak1254 atim1239 kobo1247 arum1243 iram1238 kula1282 kula1281 lare1250 nucl1584 suma1268 wate1238 lala1269 lona1239 nucl1585 sali1296 sile1254 kola1287 lang1327 mane1265 kama1366 lemb1265 nucl1583 sibo1242 tiay1238 wata1250 batu1261 kira1248 kuii1254 kafo1240 gend1248 hale1239 pang1294 prob1239 aimo1245 hama1240 kebu1247 meib1238 otva1238 pint1252 tang1351 lima1248 baka1276 pura1258 apur1252 nort3371 sout3349 rett1240 tere1277 kaer1234 nede1245 sarr1247 dein1238 leba1239 mada1286 bian1250 kalo1261 tuba1277 buna1278 fata1247 oira1263 maka1317 makl1245