Feature GB025: What is the order of adnominal demonstrative and noun?



This feature is concerned with the order of the noun and adnominal demonstratives (i.e. demonstratives that modify the noun). There are three possible values to code: 1, before the noun, 2, after the noun, or 3, both orders are possible. Like all questions concerning the order of elements, only the pragmatically unmarked orders are targeted.


  1. In the pragmatically unmarked order, if the demonstrative precedes the noun, code 1.
  2. In the pragmatically unmarked order, if the demonstrative follows the noun, code 2.
  3. If both orders occur, for example, if some demonstratives precede and some follow, or there is a free choice, then code 3.


Angaataha (ISO 639-3: agm, Glottolog: anga1290)

Coded 1. The demonstrative kɨmandɨ precedes the noun utɨpɨhandɨ (Eko & Graham 2014: 14–16).

kɨmandɨ utɨpɨhandɨ pwɨpwɨhɨtɨhande
this    book       thin
‘this thin book’ (Eko & Graham 2014: 14)

Further reading

Dryer, Matthew S. 2013. Order of demonstrative and noun. In Matthew S. Dryer & Martin Haspelmath (eds), The world atlas of language structures online. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.


Eko, Robert & Mack Graham. 2014. Tentative grammar description for the Angaataha language. Ms.

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Customize map markers:
1 Dem-N 921
2 N-Dem 1066
3 both. 272
? Not known 166



Name Glottocode Family Macroarea Contributor Value Source Comment