Feature GB276: Is there a non-bound comparative degree marker modifying the property word in a comparative construction?

Patrons: Hannah J. Haynie



This feature focuses on the presence of a phonologically free marker of comparative degree that modifies the property word in a comparative construction (e.g. French plus grand). We specifically focus on comparative constructions where the standard of comparison is overtly expressed (e.g. meanings like ‘Maria is taller than John’) but also count clearly comparative forms where the standard of comparison is null/implied/inferred from the context (e.g. meanings like ‘Maria is taller’). The comparative constructions of interest express superiority (as in the French and English examples above), not inferiority (e.g. meanings like ‘John is less athletic than Maria’).

This feature requires that the degree marker modify the property word. It should not be phonologically bound.


  1. If there is a degree marker expressing superiority in a comparative construction that modifies the property word and is not phonologically bound, code 1.
  2. If there is a degree marker expressing superiority in comparative constructions, but any such markers are bound to the property word, code 0.
  3. If the only phonologically free degree markers in the language expresses something other than superiority (e.g. inferiority), code 0.
  4. If there is no degree marker in comparative constructions, code 0.


Miskito (ISO 639-3: miq, Glottolog: misk1235)

A comparative construction expressing superiority in Miskito uses the phonologically independent property word/degree marker kau.

gul  ba  kau  mana      sa  aian wal  
gold the SUPL expensive is  iron than  
‘Gold is more expensive than iron.’ (CIDCA 1985: 80)

Miskito is coded 1 because the degree marker used in this comparative construction satisfies both the phonological independence and superiority meaning criteria. This language uses other degree markers for comparisons of inferiority, but those do not impact the coding of this feature.

Further reading

Stassen, Leon. 1984. The comparative compared. Journal of Semantics 3. 143–182.

Stassen, Leon. 1985. Comparison and Universal Grammar. Oxford: Blackwell.

Ultan, Russell. 1972. Some features of basic comparative constructions. Working Papers on Language Universals 9. 117–162.


CIDCA. 1985. Miskitu Bila Aisanka: Gramática Miskita. (Serie Lingüística: Colección Autónoma.) Managua: Centro de Investigaciones y Documentación de la Costa Atláantica.

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0 absent 872
1 present 428
? Not known 888



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