Elbert et al. 1975, 1981

Elbert, Samuel H. and Kuschel, Rolf and Taupongi, Toomasi. 1975, 1981. Dictionary of the language of Rennell and Bellona. (Language and culture of Rennell and Bellona Islands, 3.1-3.2.) Copenhagen: National Museum of Denmark. 360+144pp.

  author    = {Elbert, Samuel H. and Kuschel, Rolf and Taupongi, Toomasi},
  pages     = {360+144},
  publisher = {Copenhagen: National Museum of Denmark},
  series    = {Language and culture of Rennell and Bellona Islands},
  title     = {Dictionary of the language of Rennell and Bellona},
  volume    = {3.1-3.2},
  year      = {1975, 1981}