Baraga 1878

Baraga, Frederic. 1878. A Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the Otchipwe Language. 2nd edn. Montreal: Beauchemin & Valois. xi+422pp. (Earlier edition Frederic Baraga 1850 A Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the Otchipwe Language, Jabez Fox, Detroit.)

  address   = {Montreal},
  author    = {Baraga, Frederic},
  edition   = {2},
  note      = {Earlier edition Frederic Baraga 1850 A Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the Otchipwe Language, Jabez Fox, Detroit.},
  pages     = {xi+422},
  publisher = {Montreal: Beauchemin & Valois},
  title     = {A Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the Otchipwe Language},
  year      = {1878}