Wedekind, Klaus and Wedekind, Charlotte and Musa, Abuzeinab. 2007. A Learner's Grammar of Beja (East Sudan): Grammar, Texts and Vocabulary (Beja-English and English-Beja). (Afrikawissenschaftliche Lehrbücher, 17.) Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. iv+313pp.
@book{gWedekindetalBeja, address = {Köln}, author = {Wedekind, Klaus and Wedekind, Charlotte and Musa, Abuzeinab}, pages = {iv+313}, publisher = {Köln: Rüdiger Köppe}, series = {Afrikawissenschaftliche Lehrbücher}, title = {A Learner's Grammar of Beja (East Sudan): Grammar, Texts and Vocabulary (Beja-English and English-Beja)}, volume = {17}, year = {2007} }