Wolff 2015

Wolff, Ekkehardt H. 2015. The Lamang Language and Dictionary: Documenting Gwàɗ Làmàŋ - Endangered Central Chadic Language in Northeastern Nigeria. (Afrikanistische Forschungen, XVI:1-2.) Cologne: Köppe. 501+609pp.

  author    = {Wolff, Ekkehardt H.},
  pages     = {501+609},
  publisher = {Cologne: Köppe},
  series    = {Afrikanistische Forschungen},
  title     = {The Lamang Language and Dictionary: Documenting Gwàɗ Làmàŋ - Endangered Central Chadic Language in Northeastern Nigeria},
  volume    = {XVI:1-2},
  year      = {2015}