Kawasha, Boniface Kaumba. 2007. Subject-agreeing complementizers and their functions in Chokwe, Luchazi, Lunda, and Luvale. In Payne, Doris L. and Peña, Jaime (eds.), Selected proceedings of the 37th annual conference on African linguistics, 180-190. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
@incollection{ldKawashaComplementizers, author = {Kawasha, Boniface Kaumba}, booktitle = {Selected proceedings of the 37th annual conference on African linguistics}, editor = {Payne, Doris L. and Peña, Jaime}, pages = {180-190}, publisher = {Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, title = {Subject-agreeing complementizers and their functions in Chokwe, Luchazi, Lunda, and Luvale}, type = {Book Section}, url = {http://www.lingref.com/cpp/acal/37/index.html}, year = {2007} }