Leyew 2006

Leyew, Zelealem. 2006. Gwama, a Little-known Endangered Language of Ethiopia: A Sketch of its Grammar and Lexicon. In To appear in festschrift "Honour of the 65th Birthday Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Bernd Heine", 39. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. (Also in ELRC Working Papers, 1(1): 1-52. (Ethiopian Languages Research Centre).)

  address   = {Köln},
  author    = {Leyew, Zelealem},
  booktitle = {To appear in festschrift "Honour of the 65th Birthday Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Bernd Heine"},
  note      = {Also in ELRC Working Papers, 1(1): 1-52. (Ethiopian Languages Research Centre).},
  pages     = {39},
  publisher = {Köln: Rüdiger Köppe},
  title     = {Gwama, a Little-known Endangered Language of Ethiopia: A Sketch of its Grammar and Lexicon},
  year      = {2006}