Takkinen et al. 2015

Takkinen, Ritva and Jantunen, Tommi and Ahonen, Outi. 2015. Finnish Sign Language. In Jepsen, Julie Bakken and de Clerck, Goedele and Lutalo-Kiingi, Sam and McGregor, William B. (eds.), Sign Languages of the World: A Comparative Handbook, 253-272. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

  author    = {Takkinen, Ritva and Jantunen, Tommi and Ahonen, Outi},
  booktitle = {Sign Languages of the World: A Comparative Handbook},
  editor    = {Jepsen, Julie Bakken and de Clerck, Goedele and Lutalo-Kiingi, Sam and McGregor, William B.},
  pages     = {253-272},
  publisher = {Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton},
  title     = {Finnish Sign Language},
  year      = {2015}