François 2004

François, Alexandre. 2004. Chains of freedom: Constraints and creativity in the macro-verb strategies of Mwotlap. In Bril, Isabelle and Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise (eds.), Complex Predicates in Oceanic Languages: Studies in the Dynamics of Binding and Boundedness, 107-143. Berlin: Mouton.

  author    = {François, Alexandre},
  booktitle = {Complex Predicates in Oceanic Languages: Studies in the Dynamics of Binding and Boundedness},
  editor    = {Bril, Isabelle and Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise},
  pages     = {107-143},
  publisher = {Berlin: Mouton},
  title     = {Chains of freedom: Constraints and creativity in the macro-verb strategies of Mwotlap},
  year      = {2004}