Rai et al. 2005

Rai, Novel Kishore and Bickel, Balthasar and Gaenszle, Martin and Lieven, Elena and Paudyal, Netra P and Rai, Ichchha Purna and Rai, Manoj and Stoll, Sabine. 2005. Triplication and ideophones in Chintang. In Yadava, Yogendra P. and Bhattarai, Govinda and Lohani, Ram Raj and Prasain, Balaram and Parajuli, Krishna (eds.), Contemporary issues in Nepalese linguistics, 205-209. Kathmandu, Nepal: Linguistic Society of Nepal.

  author    = {Rai, Novel Kishore and Bickel, Balthasar and Gaenszle, Martin and Lieven, Elena and Paudyal, Netra P and Rai, Ichchha Purna and Rai, Manoj and Stoll, Sabine},
  booktitle = {Contemporary issues in Nepalese linguistics},
  editor    = {Yadava, Yogendra P. and Bhattarai, Govinda and Lohani, Ram Raj and Prasain, Balaram and Parajuli, Krishna},
  pages     = {205-209},
  publisher = {Kathmandu, Nepal: Linguistic Society of Nepal},
  title     = {Triplication and ideophones in Chintang},
  year      = {2005}